How To Buy:
Buying a ticket is a simple process similar to most online purchases. Tickets are sold online until the end of half time for Lacrosse. Keep an eye on the sales countdown clock for when sales will end.
Online ticket buyers will receive a receipt in their email a few minutes after purchasing. It will list all numbers associated with the purchased tickets.
Online 50/50 tickets will be available for all Vancouver Warriors home games!
50:50 Winners
Date | Name | Winning # | Jackpot | Prize |
Feb. 29, 2020 | Nicola Allen | WF-1032802 | $17,175 | $8,588 |
Feb. 7, 2020 | Tyler Chapman | WE-1030861 | $16,535 | $8,268 |
Jan. 17, 2020 | Thomas Fahy | WD-1023371 | $13,860 | $6,930 |
Dec. 29, 2019 | Franco Cristiano | WC-1003282 | $13,230 | $6,615 |
Dec. 14, 2019 | Pat Stroup | WB-1016181 | $9,195 | $4,598 |
Dec. 8, 2019 (Giant’s Teddy Toss) | Andre Maille | VG-1052601 | $23,920 | $11,960 |
Nov. 29, 2019 | John Leon Bouliane | WA-1025254 | $26,670 | $13,335 |
To contact the 50:50 program:
Phone: 604.899.7850 (50:50 hotline)
Mail: Canucks for Kids Fund Attn: 50:50 Program, 89 West Georgia, Vancouver, BC, V6B 1N0
Actual odds depend on # of tickets sold. |
#120253 (Warriors) #120692 (Giants Teddy Toss)
Problem Gambling Help Line 1-888-795-6111 |
Know your limit, play within it.
19+ to play!
Please play responsibly. For more information, please visit
For detailed Canucks 50/50 program rules, please read Canucks 50-50 Program Rules & Regulations.